Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to Design Calendar

I have seen 1000s of calendar flowing in the market and a few are good in terms of theme, size and quality.

After researching on the calendar, I found some interesting points to discuss, I have been working for calendar for three years, and it has become a challenge for me to make a unique calendar every year.

There are certain points to keep in mind while designing the calendar:
Produce something, which is remarkable, milestone for others.
Calendar should contain some interesting information in the form of captions and Photographs.
Develop an excellent concept to attract the audience.
Message should be clear.
Every page should appear like a complete massage itself.
The theme should be according to subject and the audience.
If the audience is Global and you want to advertise your company through the calendar so tries to pickup a general theme and gives some extra space for your advertisements. General them can be anything, but remember if you known globally for your art and culture, then you should pickup cultural themes, heritage, history, monuments, , architecture, women, etc.
What I understand about global audiences through the research that everybody outside India is suppose to see typical India, to hear about India, to keep some interesting information about India with them.
If a pack of gift comes from India, everybody would like to see India in it. Which has a unique flavor of India and totally different from others market line.
This is just like a movie industry in India, we produce lots of commercial movies and, a few get recognition by the local audience and become super hit, but a few non-commercial (Arts) movies come into the market and appreciated by global audience. They have some class some quality themselves. Globally the percentage % of super hit Arts Movies of India is much heir than commercial movies of India.
People are educated in India but they also preserve their history and traditions with them.
I believe every Indian, if he/she sending a gift to someone outside India, 90 % that would be related to our arts and culture. People come to India and appreciate Art and culture of India, take handicrafts items, traditional cloths, photographs etc.

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